Michele Hartwig
Hi! My name is Michele Hartwig- I am a 58 year old business owner of Ornery Mule Racing. OMR is a trail & ultrarunning event community that puts on races on beautiful trails. Personally- I am in recovery from years of not loving and caring for myself. My business was thriving, but I was extremely sad and lonely. My drive for perfection in my work, stopped me from taking time to play.
I have spent years working on relearning to run, losing 50 pounds, and learning to dress my new body & wear makeup. This was done with teaching myself new healthy habits that supported the person that I wanted to be....the person that I am meant to be.
On Run. Glow. Repeat. you will find a private look into my journey. I share weekly in form of journals, YouTube, and recipes. Please stay in touch ♥
Forever & Always
Honor my love & passion for the sport. It has brought me health, adventure and friends
My desire to uplift women to learn to love yourself. We often work so hard on caring for others we forget to take care of us. We need to do this without feeling guilty.
Building healthy habits that support the person we want to be.
My journal.